Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on why students should be develop communication skills. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

While social technology is developing at a rapid rate, communication skills have become formidable challenges for myriads of people, especially for students. In light of this situation, many experts suggest valuing the importance of interpersonal communication. Personally, this advice is meaningful and students are supposed to make every effort to cultivate their communication skills.

Multiple reasons can account for the phenomenon mentioned above. Perhaps the primary reason is that with the rapid development of globalization, the importance of communication between people is becoming more and more evident. This is due to the fact that the young generation, as the backbone of our society, need to promote the culture and strength of our own country and learn the excellent cultural elements of other nations. Meanwhile, it would be universally acknowledged that communication skills matter much when students graduate from their school and seek employment in job market, for staff with outstanding communication skills would be preferred by their employers.

In conclusion, communication skills can bring many benefits for students and I highly suggest that everyone should strive to cultivate their communication skills and contact more with different persons. Only by doing so, can we realize our life goals.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on why students should be develop creativity. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

In the past, people tend to keep on the rail. No matter who doesn't follow the rules he would be criticized by the public. Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, people in growing numbers have recognized the importance of creation. Actually, the development of our country, our society and we students all need creation.

First of all, creativity is the most important factor to improve the power of our country. Some people hold the view that the essence of the human civilization is the result of creation, which is certain that in order to stand at a good place in the international circle, our country has to train the creative people, so that they can make great breakthrough for our country. However, as the backbones of our society, if we students lack the creation, we couldn't realize our dreams to build a greater nation. In addition, if we are all of innovation, it is easy to bring our potential into full play to win a better future and with the creative people, the society can get a lot of benefits. Creation is also very important for the obvious point that it can improve our confidence. When we make some small breakthrough, we will get praise from others which will make us feel smart and full of positive energy.

All in all, as all of us students know that how much significance creation has brought for us, we have to learn as much as possible knowledge to prepare ourselves for being creative people.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on why students should be develop the ability to meet challenges. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Life itself consists of a series of challenges, whether large or small. When faced with these challenges, we students should knock them back with the attitude that "all setbacks can be solved at last”.

Numerous illustrations can be given, with the following one being the most impressive. Thomas Edison, one of the most famous inventors in the world, had done a lot of experiments before the first long-lasting light bulb came into being. Among those experiments, there were thousand times of failure. If he had chosen to give up, he wouldn't have brought so many revolutionary inventions to the world. His life is the best evidence to prove that only when we are brave enough to confront challenges, can we achieve success. What’s more, at the age of the science and technology, there is no denying that the society requires more courage for us. With the development of education, the number of the college students has increased to a high level. The employment of the college students is an extremely great challenge that the college students have to face. As far as I am concerned, we, as the future of the world, should work hard and widen our scope of the knowledge. Only in this way can we cope with this challenge smoothly.

Life resembles the process of mountain climbing. People who avoid challenges and take the easy route will gradually descend into the valleys. Therefore, we need to keep on climbing despite the twists and turns, until we eventually conquer the highest mountain and see the most beautiful view.



本文的题目是“为什么学生们要培养沟通/创造/应对挑战的能力”,对于此话题最容易的切入方式就是按照原因论述话题去处理。以“为什么学生应培养沟通能力”为例。因为随着社会的发展,全球化进程越来越快,各个国家之间的交流愈来愈频繁。因此话题就可以转到学生培养沟通能力的必要性上。此外,沟通能力在学生走出校门去求职时也十分重要。这类话题很常规,学生比较熟悉,同时也是一个我们上课讲到过的话题。因此考生需要做的就是灵活运用上课学过的知识即可。写的时候注意,因为是论证原因,所以最好进行因果关系的论证,并且可以多个原因并列,写清楚具体什么原因,使得该能力对学生来说十分重要。可以写社会发展的大环境要求,也可以写个人求职的小层面原因。 但同时,应注意到,对于重要性的论述,避免原因间的重复和交叉。这样的话,就可以在写之前简单罗列各项原因,梳理思路。



